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Water Treatment and Waste Management Division. Oil and Gas Management Division. Our vision is to successfully provide a wide range of trusted and well known products to the Iraqi people and to have a leading role in the reconstruction, rehabilitation, modernization and development programs in the territory of Iraq.
Master Kurse në kardiologji për mjekët e familjes. Master Kursi ka nisur në vitin 2009 dhe është në vazhdim për vitin 2010. Inovacion për trajtimin e angina pektoris. Zgjedhja e duhur për trajtimin e dhimbjeve të barkut të bebit tuaj. Zyra e Përfaqësisë Berlin-Chemie AG. Rruga e Kavajës, Pall. Cilësia e barit është e para. BERLIN-CHEMIE zhvillon, prodhon dhe tregton produkte farmaceutike.
BERLIN-CHEMIE develops, produces and sells pharmaceutical products. BERLIN-CHEMIE is a German subsidiary of the MENARINI Group, which has been occupying a leading position in the Italian pharmaceutical market for many years. The company, which was formed in 1886 and is headquartered in Florence, was developed over the generations to become a global, owner-managed pharmaceutical company.
Menarini erhöht die Anzahl der Vorstandsmitglieder - Zum ersten Mal sind externe Mitglieder in der Mehrzahl.
BERLIN-CHEMIE arendab, toodab ja turustab ravimeid. ning ettevõtte peakorter asub Firenzes. MENARINI Group on olnud juhtival positsioonil Itaalia farmaatsiaturul juba palju aastaid ning ettevõtet on arendatud läbi põlvkondade ning see on muutnud MENARINI globaalseks farmaatsiaettevõtteks.
A BERLIN-CHEMIE gyógyszerészeti termékeket fejleszt, állít elő és értékesít. a BERLIN-CHEMIE, a MENARINI Csoport leányvállalata nevében működik Magyarországon. A MENARINI csoport az olasz gyógyszerpiacon hosszú évek óta vezető szerepet tölt be. Az 1886-ban alakult, firenzei székhelyű MENARINI cég generációk során fejlődött globális, tulajdonos vezette gyógyszercéggé.
BERLIN-CHEMIE kuria, gamina ir parduoda farmacinius produktus. UAB Berlin Chemie Menarini Baltic filialas veikia Lietuvoje BERLIN-CHEMIE, MENARINI Group dukterinės įmonės vardu. MENARINI Group jau daugelį metų pirmauja Italijos farmacijos rinkoje. Įsteigta 1886 metais ir savo pagrindinę buveinę įkūrusi Florencijoje, MENARINI bendrovė buvo vystoma iš kartos į kartą, kad taptų globalia, savininko vadovaujama farmacijos bendrove.
Zāļu kvalitāte ir pirmajā vietā. BERLIN-CHEMIE izstrādā, ražo un tirgo farmaceitiskos preparātus. BERLIN-CHEMIE panākumus nodrošina arī uz partnerattiecībām balstītais domāšanas veids. Mēs nepārtraukti turpinām īstenot grupas stratēģiju, uzlabojot savu sniegumu. Sīkāka informācija par Menarini apskatāma vietnē www.
Via dei Sette Santi 1/3
Firenze, 50131
Silvio Sassatelli
Silvio Sassatelli
Via dei Sette Santi 1/3
Firenze, 50131
IT S.p.A. S.p.A.
Via Montessori s/n
Bergamo, 24126
Comunicar sospecha de reacción adversa. Su navegador no tiene soporte para video.
We will not share your email address with any third parties. ie - Hosting, Domain Registration, Web Design, SMTP services.
Se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, clicca qui. Qualità del farmaco al primo posto. MENARINI ANNUNCIA LA NUOVA GOVERNANCE.
Our privacy policy explains how you can deny your consent to some or all cookies, how we process your personal data and how to exercise your privacy rights. Founded in 1886, Menarini markets products in key therapeutic fields including respiratory, cardiovascular, gastroenterology, metabolism, antibiotics, diabetes, anti-inflammatories and analgesics.